All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbsentBlockException |
An exception which represents the requested block is neither AVAILABLE nor IN_PROGRESS.
AbstractBlockStore |
This abstract class represents a default BlockStore ,
which contains other components used in each implementation of BlockStore .
AbstractDoFnTransform<InputT,InterT,OutputT> |
This is a base class for Beam DoFn Transforms.
AdditionalOutputTagProperty |
Additional Output Tag Execution Property for edge that contains tag for additional outputs.
AggressiveSpeculativeCloningPass |
Speculative execution.
AllMetricServlet |
Servlet which handles total metric request.
AlternatingLeastSquare |
Sample Alternating Least Square application.
AlternatingLeastSquare.CalculateNextMatrix |
DoFn for calculating next matrix at each iteration.
AlternatingLeastSquare.CreateInitialMatrix |
A DoFn that creates an initial matrix.
AlternatingLeastSquare.ParseLine |
Method for parsing the input line.
AlternatingLeastSquare.TrainingDataCombiner |
Combiner for the training data.
AlternatingLeastSquare.UngroupSingleVectorList |
A DoFn that relays a single vector list.
AlternatingLeastSquare.UpdateUserAndItemMatrix |
Composite transform that wraps the transforms inside the loop.
AlternatingLeastSquareInefficient |
Sample Alternating Least Square application.
AlternatingLeastSquareInefficient.UpdateUserAndItemMatrix |
Composite transform that wraps the transforms inside the loop.
Annotates |
Annotation used to indicate which execution properties the class annotates.
AnnotatingPass |
A compile-time pass that annotates the IR DAG with execution properties.
AntiAffinitySchedulingConstraint |
Check if one of the tasks running on the executor, and the task to schedule are both in the anti-affinity group.
ArgBuilder |
Argument builder.
AssociatedProperty |
Backend<Plan> |
Interface for backend components.
BasicPullPolicy |
Basic pull policy.
BasicPushPolicy |
Basic push policy.
BatchScheduler |
(CONCURRENCY) Only a single dedicated thread should use the public methods of this class.
BatchSchedulerUtils |
Utlity methods regarding schedulers.
BeamBoundedSourceVertex<O> |
SourceVertex implementation for BoundedSource.
BeamDecoderFactory<T> |
BeamEncoderFactory<T> |
BeamStateTranslator |
BeamUnboundedSourceVertex<O,M extends> |
SourceVertex implementation for UnboundedSource.
BeamWordCount |
An example that counts words in Shakespeare and includes Beam best practices.
BeamWordCount.CountWords |
A PTransform that converts a PCollection containing lines of text into a PCollection of
formatted word counts.
BeamWordCount.FormatAsTextFn |
A SimpleFunction that converts a Word and Count into a printable string.
BeamWordCount.WordCountOptions |
Block<K extends> |
This interface represents a block, which is the output of a specific task.
BlockFetchException |
BlockFetchFailureProperty |
Decides how to react to a data block fetch failure.
BlockFetchFailureProperty.Value |
Possible values of DataFlowModel ExecutionProperty.
BlockInputReader |
Represents the input data transfer to a task.
BlockManagerMaster |
Master-side block manager.
BlockManagerMaster.BlockRequestHandler |
The handler of block location requests.
BlockManagerWorker |
Executor-side block manager.
BlockOutputWriter |
Represents the output data transfer from a task.
BlockState |
Represents the states of a whole data(a task output).
BlockState.State |
BlockStore |
Interface for Block placement.
BlockTransferThrottler |
A class to restrict parallel connection per runtime edge.
BlockWriteException |
BoundedIteratorReadable<O> |
An abstract readable class that retrieves data from iterator.
Broadcast |
Sample Broadcast application.
BroadcastManagerMaster |
Broadcast variables saved in the master.
BroadcastManagerWorker |
Used by tasks to get/fetch (probably remote) broadcast variables.
ByteBufferInputStream |
This class is a customized input stream implementation which reads data from
list of ByteBuffer .
ByteInputContext |
Container for multiple input streams.
ByteOutputContext |
Container for multiple output streams.
BytesDecoderFactory |
BytesEncoderFactory |
ByteTransfer |
ByteTransferContext |
CachedSourceVertex<T> |
Bounded source vertex for cached data.
CacheIDProperty |
Cache ID ExecutionProperty.
ClientEndpoint |
A request endpoint in client side of a plan.
ClientRPC |
Driver-side RPC implementation for communication from/to Nemo Client.
ClientUtils |
Utility class for the Client.
Cloneable<T extends Cloneable<T>> |
This interface is implemented by objects that can be cloned.
ClonedSchedulingProperty |
Specifies cloned execution of a vertex.
ClonedSchedulingProperty.CloneConf |
Configurations for cloning.
ClosableBlockingQueue<T> |
A blocking queue implementation which is capable of closing.
CombineFnFinalTransform<K,A,O> |
Accumulates all of the partially accumulated KVs(Key, Accum) into KVs(Key, Output).
CombineFnPartialTransform<K,I,A> |
Partially accumulates the given KVs(Key, Input) into KVs(Key, Accum).
CommonEventHandler<T> |
Class for handling common events.
CommonSubexpressionEliminationPass |
Pass for Common Subexpression Elimination optimization.
CommunicationPatternProperty |
DataCommunicationPattern ExecutionProperty.
CommunicationPatternProperty.Value |
Possible values of DataCommunicationPattern ExecutionProperty.
CompilerEvent |
An empty interface to indicate events that are sent from Compiler.
CompilerEventHandler<T extends CompilerEvent> |
Class for handling events sent from Compiler.
CompilerTestUtil |
Utility methods for tests.
CompileTimeOptimizationException |
CompileTimePass |
Abstract class for compile-time optimization passes that processes the DAG.
CompositePass |
A compile-time pass composed of multiple compile-time passes, which each modifies an IR DAG.
CompressionPass |
A pass for applying compression algorithm for data flowing between vertices.
CompressionProperty |
Compression ExecutionProperty.
CompressionProperty.Value |
Possible values of Compression ExecutionProperty.
CompressionStreamChainer |
ConditionalLargeShufflePolicy |
A policy to demonstrate the large shuffle optimization, witch batches disk seek during data shuffle, conditionally.
ContainerException |
ContainerManager |
(WARNING) This class is not thread-safe.
ContainerTypeAwareSchedulingConstraint |
This policy find executors which has corresponding container type.
ControlMessage |
ControlMessage.BlockLocationInfoMsg |
Protobuf type protobuf.BlockLocationInfoMsg
ControlMessage.BlockLocationInfoMsg.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.BlockLocationInfoMsg
ControlMessage.BlockLocationInfoMsgOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.BlockStateChangedMsg |
Protobuf type protobuf.BlockStateChangedMsg
ControlMessage.BlockStateChangedMsg.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.BlockStateChangedMsg
ControlMessage.BlockStateChangedMsgOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.BlockStateFromExecutor |
Protobuf enum protobuf.BlockStateFromExecutor
ControlMessage.BlockStore |
Protobuf enum protobuf.BlockStore
ControlMessage.BlockTransferContextDescriptor |
Protobuf type protobuf.BlockTransferContextDescriptor
ControlMessage.BlockTransferContextDescriptor.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.BlockTransferContextDescriptor
ControlMessage.BlockTransferContextDescriptorOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.ByteTransferContextSetupMessage |
Protobuf type protobuf.ByteTransferContextSetupMessage
ControlMessage.ByteTransferContextSetupMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.ByteTransferContextSetupMessage
ControlMessage.ByteTransferContextSetupMessageOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.ByteTransferDataDirection |
Messages between Executors
ControlMessage.ClientToDriverMessage |
Protobuf type protobuf.ClientToDriverMessage
ControlMessage.ClientToDriverMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.ClientToDriverMessage
ControlMessage.ClientToDriverMessageOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.ClientToDriverMessageType |
Messages from client to driver
ControlMessage.ContainerFailedMsg |
Protobuf type protobuf.ContainerFailedMsg
ControlMessage.ContainerFailedMsg.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.ContainerFailedMsg
ControlMessage.ContainerFailedMsgOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.DataCollectMessage |
Protobuf type protobuf.DataCollectMessage
ControlMessage.DataCollectMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.DataCollectMessage
ControlMessage.DataCollectMessageOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.DriverToClientMessage |
Protobuf type protobuf.DriverToClientMessage
ControlMessage.DriverToClientMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.DriverToClientMessage
ControlMessage.DriverToClientMessageOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.DriverToClientMessageType |
Messages from driver to client
ControlMessage.ExecutorFailedMsg |
Protobuf type protobuf.ExecutorFailedMsg
ControlMessage.ExecutorFailedMsg.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.ExecutorFailedMsg
ControlMessage.ExecutorFailedMsgOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.InMasterBroadcastVariableMessage |
Protobuf type protobuf.InMasterBroadcastVariableMessage
ControlMessage.InMasterBroadcastVariableMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.InMasterBroadcastVariableMessage
ControlMessage.InMasterBroadcastVariableMessageOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.LaunchDAGMessage |
Protobuf type protobuf.LaunchDAGMessage
ControlMessage.LaunchDAGMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.LaunchDAGMessage
ControlMessage.LaunchDAGMessageOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.Message |
Protobuf type protobuf.Message
ControlMessage.Message.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.Message
ControlMessage.MessageOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.MessageType |
Protobuf enum protobuf.MessageType
ControlMessage.Metric |
Common messages
ControlMessage.Metric.Builder |
Common messages
ControlMessage.MetricMsg |
Protobuf type protobuf.MetricMsg
ControlMessage.MetricMsg.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.MetricMsg
ControlMessage.MetricMsgOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.MetricOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.NotificationMessage |
Protobuf type protobuf.NotificationMessage
ControlMessage.NotificationMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.NotificationMessage
ControlMessage.NotificationMessageOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.OptimizationType |
Protobuf enum protobuf.OptimizationType
ControlMessage.PipeInitMessage |
Protobuf type protobuf.PipeInitMessage
ControlMessage.PipeInitMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.PipeInitMessage
ControlMessage.PipeInitMessageOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.PipeLocationInfoMessage |
Protobuf type protobuf.PipeLocationInfoMessage
ControlMessage.PipeLocationInfoMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.PipeLocationInfoMessage
ControlMessage.PipeLocationInfoMessageOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.PipeTransferContextDescriptor |
Protobuf type protobuf.PipeTransferContextDescriptor
ControlMessage.PipeTransferContextDescriptor.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.PipeTransferContextDescriptor
ControlMessage.PipeTransferContextDescriptorOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.RecoverableFailureCause |
Protobuf enum protobuf.RecoverableFailureCause
ControlMessage.RequestBlockLocationMsg |
Protobuf type protobuf.RequestBlockLocationMsg
ControlMessage.RequestBlockLocationMsg.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.RequestBlockLocationMsg
ControlMessage.RequestBlockLocationMsgOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.RequestBroadcastVariableMessage |
Protobuf type protobuf.RequestBroadcastVariableMessage
ControlMessage.RequestBroadcastVariableMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.RequestBroadcastVariableMessage
ControlMessage.RequestBroadcastVariableMessageOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.RequestPipeLocationMessage |
Protobuf type protobuf.RequestPipeLocationMessage
ControlMessage.RequestPipeLocationMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.RequestPipeLocationMessage
ControlMessage.RequestPipeLocationMessageOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.RunTimePassMessageEntry |
Protobuf type protobuf.RunTimePassMessageEntry
ControlMessage.RunTimePassMessageEntry.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.RunTimePassMessageEntry
ControlMessage.RunTimePassMessageEntryOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.RunTimePassMessageMsg |
Protobuf type protobuf.RunTimePassMessageMsg
ControlMessage.RunTimePassMessageMsg.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.RunTimePassMessageMsg
ControlMessage.RunTimePassMessageMsgOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.ScheduleTaskMsg |
Messages from Master to Executors
ControlMessage.ScheduleTaskMsg.Builder |
Messages from Master to Executors
ControlMessage.ScheduleTaskMsgOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.TaskStateChangedMsg |
Messages from Executors to Master
ControlMessage.TaskStateChangedMsg.Builder |
Messages from Executors to Master
ControlMessage.TaskStateChangedMsgOrBuilder |
ControlMessage.TaskStateFromExecutor |
Protobuf enum protobuf.TaskStateFromExecutor
CreateViewTransform<I,O> |
This transforms emits materialized data for each window.
CreateViewTransform.MultiView<T> |
Represents PrimitiveViewT supplied to the ViewFn .
DAG<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
DAG implementation.
DAGBuilder<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
DAG Builder.
DAGInterface<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Methods for querying a directed-acyclic graph (DAG).
DAGInterface.TraversalOrder |
Indicates the traversal order of this DAG.
DataFetcherOutputCollector<O> |
This collector receives data from DataFetcher and forwards it to the next operator.
DataFlowProperty |
DataFlowModel ExecutionProperty.
DataFlowProperty.Value |
Possible values of DataFlowModel ExecutionProperty.
DataPersistenceProperty |
Data persistence ExecutionProperty.
DataPersistenceProperty.Value |
Possible options for the data persistence strategy.
DataPlaneConf |
Data plane Configuration for Executors.
DataSkewPolicy |
A policy to perform data skew dynamic optimization.
DataSourceException |
Thrown when any exception occurs in data sources.
DataStoreProperty |
DataStore ExecutionProperty.
DataStoreProperty.Value |
Possible values of DataStore ExecutionProperty.
DataTransferEvent |
Event for data transfer, such as data read or write.
DataTransferEvent.TransferType |
Enum of transfer types.
DataUtil |
Utility methods for data handling (e.g., (de)serialization).
DataUtil.InputStreamIterator<T> |
An iterator that emits objects from InputStream using the corresponding DecoderFactory .
DataUtil.IteratorWithNumBytes<T> |
Iterator with interface to access to the number of bytes.
DataUtil.IteratorWithNumBytes.NumBytesNotSupportedException |
DecoderFactory<T> |
A decoder factory object which generates decoders that decode byte streams into values of type T .
DecoderFactory.Decoder<T> |
Interface of Decoder.
DecoderFactory.DummyDecoderFactory |
Dummy coder factory implementation which is not supposed to be used.
DecoderProperty |
Decoder ExecutionProperty.
DecodeStreamChainer |
DecompressionProperty |
Decompression ExecutionProperty.
DecompressionStreamChainer |
DedicatedKeyPerElement |
Declares that all of the designated keys for each element in a Partitioner is dedicated for the element.
DedicatedKeyPerElementPartitioner |
An implementation of Partitioner which assigns a dedicated key per an output data from a task.
DefaultCompositePass |
A series of primitive passes that is applied commonly to all policies.
DefaultDataPersistencePass |
Pass for initiating IREdge data persistence ExecutionProperty with default values.
DefaultDataStorePass |
Edge data store pass to process inter-stage memory store edges.
DefaultEdgeDecoderPass |
Pass for initiating IREdge Decoder ExecutionProperty with default dummy coder.
DefaultEdgeEncoderPass |
Pass for initiating IREdge Encoder ExecutionProperty with default dummy coder.
DefaultExecutorRepresenter |
(WARNING) This class is not thread-safe, and thus should only be accessed through ExecutorRegistry.
DefaultOutputManager<OutputT> |
Default output emitter that uses outputCollector.
DefaultParallelismPass |
Optimization pass for tagging parallelism execution property.
DefaultPolicy |
A basic default policy, that performs the minimum amount of optimization to be done to a specific DAG.
DefaultPolicyWithSeparatePass |
A simple example policy to demonstrate a policy with a separate, refactored pass.
DefaultPolicyWithSeparatePass.RefactoredPass |
A simple custom pass consisted of the two passes at the end of the default pass.
DefaultScheduleGroupPass |
A pass for assigning each stages in schedule groups.
DirectByteBufferOutputStream |
This class is a customized output stream implementation backed by
ByteBuffer , which utilizes off heap memory when writing the data via MemoryPoolAssigner.
DisaggregationEdgeDataStorePass |
A pass to support Disaggregated Resources by tagging edges.
DisaggregationPolicy |
A policy to demonstrate the disaggregation optimization, that uses GlusterFS as file storage.
DoFnTransform<InputT,OutputT> |
DoFn transform implementation when there is no side input.
DriverEndpoint |
A request endpoint in driver side of a plan.
DriverRPCServer |
Client-side RPC implementation for communication from/to Nemo Driver.
DuplicateEdgeGroupProperty |
Invariant data ExecutionProperty.
DuplicateEdgeGroupPropertyValue |
Value of DuplicateEdgeGroupProperty.
DuplicateEdgeGroupSizePass |
A pass for annotate duplicate data for each edge.
DynamicOptimizationException |
DynamicTaskSizingPolicy |
A policy to dynamically resize tasks in runtime.
DynamicTaskSizingRuntimePass |
Runtime pass for Dynamic Task Sizing policy.
EDGARAvgDocSize |
Application for EDGAR dataset.
EDGARDocumentSuccessRate |
Application for EDGAR dataset.
EDGARRequestsByCIK |
Application for EDGAR dataset.
EDGARTop10BadRefererDocs |
Application for EDGAR dataset.
EDGARTop10BadRefererDocs.ValueComparator<K> |
Value comparator comparing the double value.
EDGARTop10Documents |
Application for EDGAR dataset.
EDGARTop10Documents.ValueComparator<K> |
Value comparator comparing the long value.
Edge<V extends Vertex> |
Connects two vertices of a DAG.
EdgeExecutionProperty<T extends> |
EmptyComponents |
Empty components to mock transform and source, for tests and examples.
EmptyComponents.EmptySourceVertex<T> |
An empty Source Vertex.
EmptyComponents.EmptyTransform<I,O> |
An empty transform.
EnableDynamicTaskSizingProperty |
Property to enable dynamic task sizing policy.
EncoderFactory<T> |
A encoder factory object which generates encoders that encode values of type T into byte streams.
EncoderFactory.DummyEncoderFactory |
Dummy encoder factory implementation which is not supposed to be used.
EncoderFactory.Encoder<T> |
Interface of Encoder.
EncoderProperty |
Encoder ExecutionProperty.
EncodeStreamChainer |
Event |
Class for all generic event that contains timestamp at the moment.
ExampleTestArgs |
Test Arguments for Examples.
ExampleTestUtil |
Test Utils for Examples.
ExecutionProperty<T extends> |
An abstract class for each execution factors.
ExecutionPropertyMap<T extends ExecutionProperty> |
ExecutionPropertyMap Class, which uses HashMap for keeping track of ExecutionProperties for vertices and edges.
Executor |
ExecutorRegistry |
(WARNING) This class must be thread-safe.
ExecutorRepresenter |
Contains information/state regarding an executor
Such information may include
a) The executor's resource type.
FailedMessageSender |
A message sender that failed.
FileArea |
A file area descriptor.
FileBlock<K extends> |
This class represents a block which is stored in (local or remote) file.
FileMetadata<K extends> |
This class represents a metadata for a Block .
FinalCombineFn<AccumT,Output> |
Wrapper class for Combine.CombineFn .
Finishmark |
Finish mark that notifies the data fetching is finished.
FlattenTransform<T> |
Flatten transform implementation.
FloatArrayCoder |
EncoderFactory for float[].
FreeSlotSchedulingConstraint |
This policy finds executor that has free slot for a Task.
GBKTransform<K,InputT,OutputT> |
This transform executes GroupByKey transformation and CombinePerKey transformation when input data is unbounded
or is not in a global window.
GlusterFileStore |
Stores blocks in a mounted GlusterFS volume.
GroupByKeyTransform<I> |
Group Beam KVs.
GrpcMessageEnvironment |
This class is installed when every node, containing both driver and evaluator, has been started, and setup
grpc environment to implement RPC semantics defined in org.apache.nemo.runtime.common.message package.
GrpcMessageService |
GrpcMessageService.Void |
Protobuf type protobuf.Void
GrpcMessageService.Void.Builder |
Protobuf type protobuf.Void
GrpcMessageService.VoidOrBuilder |
HashPartitioner |
An implementation of Partitioner which hashes output data from a source task
according to the key of elements.
HashRange |
Descriptor for hash range.
IdManager |
ID manager.
IgnoreSchedulingTempDataReceiverProperty |
A property represents that a vertex annotated with this property doesn't process any data and
should be regarded as a kind of "marker" to construct a temporary edge that contains some data that
have to be written before it's usage is not determined (e.g., for caching).
IllegalEdgeOperationException |
IllegalMessageException |
IllegalStateTransitionException |
IllegalVertexOperationException |
InMemorySideInputReader |
Accumulates and provides side inputs in memory.
InMemorySourceVertex<T> |
Source vertex with the data in memory.
InMemoryStateInternalsFactory<K> |
InMemoryTimerInternalsFactory<K> |
InputReader |
Represents the input data transfer to a task.
InputWatermarkManager |
An interface for tracking input watermarks among multiple input streams.
IntactPartitioner |
An implementation of Partitioner which makes an output data
from a source task to a single partition.
IntArrayCoder |
EncoderFactory for int[].
IntDecoderFactory |
IntEncoderFactory |
IntermediateDataIOFactory |
InvalidParameterException |
InvalidUserMainException |
An IRDAG object captures a high-level data processing application (e.g., Spark/Beam application).
IRDAGChecker |
Checks the integrity of an IR DAG.
IRDAGChecker.GlobalDAGChecker |
Checks the entire DAG.
IREdge |
Physical execution plan of intermediate data movement.
IRVertex |
The basic unit of operation in a dataflow program, as well as the most important data structure in Nemo.
JavaMapReduce |
Java MapReduce example.
JavaSparkPi |
Computes an approximation to pi.
JavaSparkSQLExample |
Java Spark SQL Example program.
JavaSparkSQLExample.Person |
Simple person class.
JavaUserDefinedTypedAggregation |
Java SparkSQL example: User-defined Typed Aggregation.
JavaUserDefinedTypedAggregation.Average |
Average class.
JavaUserDefinedTypedAggregation.Employee |
Employee class.
JavaUserDefinedTypedAggregation.MyAverage |
MyAverage class.
JavaUserDefinedUntypedAggregation |
Java SparkSQL example: User-defined Untyped Aggregation.
JavaUserDefinedUntypedAggregation.MyAverage |
MyAverage class.
JavaWordAndLineCount |
Java Spark word-count and line-count examples in one.
JavaWordCount |
Java Wordcount example.
JobConf |
Job Configurations.
JobLauncher |
Job launcher.
JobMetric |
JobMetricServlet |
Servlet which handles JobMetric metric request.
JsonParseException |
KeyDecoderProperty |
KeyDecoder ExecutionProperty.
KeyEncoderProperty |
KeyEncoder ExecutionProperty.
KeyExtractor |
Extracts a key from an element.
KeyExtractorProperty |
KeyExtractor ExecutionProperty.
KeyRange<K extends> |
Represents the key range of data partitions within a block.
LambdaPass |
Lambda Pass.
LambdaPolicy |
Lambda Policy
Description: A part of lambda executor, to support Lambda policy.
LargeShuffleAnnotatingPass |
This pass assumes that a RelayVertex was previously inserted to receive each shuffle edge.
LargeShuffleCompositePass |
A series of passes to optimize large shuffle with disk seek batching techniques.
LargeShufflePolicy |
A policy to demonstrate the large shuffle optimization, witch batches disk seek during data shuffle.
LargeShuffleReshapingPass |
Inserts the RelayVertex for each shuffle edge.
LatencyMark |
Latency mark is a watermark with the data related to stream data latencies.
LatencymarkEmitTransform<I,O> |
LatencyMetric |
Metric class for recording latencymark and the time when the latencymark is recorded.
LimitedInputStream |
This class provide functionality to limit bytes read from InputStream .
LocalBlockStore |
This abstract class represents BlockStore
which contains the (meta)data of the Block s in local.
LocalFileMetadata<K extends> |
This class represents a metadata for a local file Block .
LocalFileStore |
Stores blocks in local files.
LocalInputContext |
This class provides a data transfer interface to the receiver side when both the sender and the receiver are in the
same executor.
LocalitySchedulingConstraint |
This policy tries to pick the executors where the corresponding source or intermediate data for a task reside.
LocalMessageDispatcher |
Dispatch messages on a single machine.
LocalMessageEnvironment |
LocalMessageSender<T> |
A simple MessageSender implementation that works on a single node.
LocalOutputContext |
This class provides a data transfer interface to the sender side when both the sender and the receiver are
in the same executor.
LocalTransferContext |
This class represents the data transfer context when both the sender and the receiver are in the same executor.
LongDecoderFactory |
LongEncoderFactory |
LoopCompositeTransform<inputT extends org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PInput,outputT extends org.apache.beam.sdk.values.POutput> |
A composite transform for wrapping transforms inside a loop to create loop operators in the IR.
LoopExtractionPass |
Pass for extracting and grouping each loops together using the LoopVertex.
LoopOptimizationCompositePass |
A series of passes to perform LoopOptimization.
LoopOptimizations |
Loop Optimization.
LoopOptimizations.LoopFusionPass |
Pass for Loop Fusion optimization.
LoopOptimizations.LoopInvariantCodeMotionPass |
Pass for Loop Invariant Code Motion optimization.
LoopUnrollingPass |
LoopVertex |
IRVertex that contains a partial DAG that is iterative.
MapReduceDisaggregationOptimization |
A sample MapReduceDisaggregationOptimization application.
MemoryAllocationException |
An exception to be thrown when a memory allocation operation is not successful.
MemoryChunk |
This class represents chunk of memory residing in off-heap region
managed by MemoryPoolAssigner , which is backed by ByteBuffer .
MemoryPoolAssigner |
The MemoryPoolAssigner assigns the memory that Nemo uses for writing data blocks from the MemoryPoolAssigner.MemoryPool .
MemoryStore |
Store data in local memory.
Message<T> |
MessageAggregatorTransform<K,V,O> |
MessageAggregatorVertex<K,V,O> |
Aggregates upstream messages.
MessageAggregatorVertex.InitialStateSupplier<O> |
Creates the initial aggregated message.
MessageAggregatorVertex.MessageAggregatorFunction<K,V,O> |
Aggregates incoming messages.
MessageContext |
MessageEnvironment |
Set up MessageListener s to handle incoming messages on this node, and connect to remote nodes and return
MessageSender s to send message to them.
MessageGeneratorTransform<I,K,V> |
A Transform for the message generator vertex.
MessageGeneratorVertex<I,K,V> |
Produces a message for run-time pass.
MessageGeneratorVertex.MessageGeneratorFunction<I,K,V> |
Applied on the input data elements to produce a message.
MessageIdEdgeProperty |
Vertices and edges with the same MessageId are subject to the same run-time optimization.
MessageIdVertexProperty |
Vertices and edges with the same MessageId belong to the same run-time optimization.
MessageListener<T> |
MessageParameters |
Parameters for message components.
MessageParameters.SenderId |
Id of the sender.
MessageSender<T> |
MessageServiceGrpc |
A grpc service for implementing org.apache.nemo.runtime.common.message components using grpc
MessageServiceGrpc.MessageServiceBlockingStub |
A grpc service for implementing org.apache.nemo.runtime.common.message components using grpc
MessageServiceGrpc.MessageServiceFutureStub |
A grpc service for implementing org.apache.nemo.runtime.common.message components using grpc
MessageServiceGrpc.MessageServiceImplBase |
A grpc service for implementing org.apache.nemo.runtime.common.message components using grpc
MessageServiceGrpc.MessageServiceStub |
A grpc service for implementing org.apache.nemo.runtime.common.message components using grpc
MessageUtils |
Utility class for messages.
Metric |
Interface for all metrics.
MetricBroadcaster |
MetricBroadcaster broadcast metric changes to the currently active WebSocket sessions.
MetricException |
MetricManagerMaster |
A default metric message handler.
MetricManagerWorker |
Metric sender that periodically flushes the collected metrics to Driver.
MetricMessageHandler |
Metric message handler.
MetricMessageSender |
Interface for metric sender.
MetricStore |
MetricStore stores metric data which will be used by web visualize interface, logging, and so on.
MetricUtils |
Utility class for metrics.
MinimalWordCount |
MinimalWordCount program from BEAM.
MinOccupancyFirstSchedulingPolicy |
This policy chooses a set of Executors, on which have minimum running Tasks.
MultiInputWatermarkManager |
This tracks the minimum input watermark among multiple input streams.
MultinomialLogisticRegression |
Sample Multinomial Logistic Regression application.
MultinomialLogisticRegression.ApplyGradient |
DoFn class that applies the gradient to the model.
MultinomialLogisticRegression.CalculateGradient |
Calculate Gradient.
MultinomialLogisticRegression.CombineFunction |
Combine Function for two Double arrays.
MultinomialLogisticRegression.CombineFunctionForIterable |
Combine Function for Iterable of gradients.
MultinomialLogisticRegression.UpdateModel |
+ Composite transform that wraps the transforms inside the loop.
NativeChannelImplementationSelector |
NcsMessageEnvironment |
Message environment for NCS.
NemoBackend |
Backend component for Nemo Runtime.
NemoClient |
A wrapper class that contains client handlers.
NemoContext |
REEF Context for the Executor.
NemoDriver |
REEF Driver for Nemo.
NemoEventDecoderFactory |
A factory for NemoEventDecoder.
NemoEventEncoderFactory |
A factory for NemoEventEncoder.
NemoOptimizer |
An interface for optimizer, which manages the optimization over submitted IR DAGs through Policy s.
NemoPipelineOptions |
NemoPipelineResult |
Beam result.
NemoPlanRewriter |
Rewrites the physical plan during execution, to enforce the optimizations of Nemo RunTimePasses.
NemoRunner |
Runner class for BEAM programs.
NemoRunnerRegistrar |
Contains the PipelineRunnerRegistrar and PipelineOptionsRegistrar for the NemoRunner .
NemoRunnerRegistrar.Options |
NemoRunnerRegistrar.Runner |
NettyChannelImplementationSelector |
Selects appropriate Channel implementation.
NetworkTraceAnalysis |
An app that analyzes data flow from network trace.
NextIntraTaskOperatorInfo |
Contains information for next operator:
-- edgeIndex: the index of edge to next operator.
NioChannelImplementationSelector |
NodeConnectionException |
NodeShareSchedulingConstraint |
NonSerializedMemoryBlock<K extends> |
This class represents a block which is stored in local memory and not serialized.
NonSerializedPartition<K> |
A collection of data elements.
NoWatermarkEmitTransform<I,O> |
This transform does not emit watermarks.
ObjectCoderForString |
This coder acts like an object coder to conform the type, but is actually just a StringUtf8Coder .
OperatorVertex |
IRVertex that transforms input data.
OperatorVertexOutputCollector<O> |
OutputCollector implementation.
OperatorWatermarkCollector |
This class is used for collecting watermarks for an OperatorVertex.
Optimizer |
An interface for optimizer, which manages the optimization over submitted IR DAGs through
Policy s.
OptimizerUtils |
Utility class for optimizer.
OutputCollector<O> |
Interface through which Transform emits outputs.
OutputContext |
Represents the output context during the data transfer between two tasks.
OutputMismatchException |
OutputWriter |
Represents the output data transfer from a task.
Pair<A,B> |
Pair class.
PairDecoderFactory<A extends,B extends> |
An DecoderFactory for Pair .
PairEncoderFactory<A extends,B extends> |
An EncoderFactory for Pair .
PairKeyExtractor |
A KeyExtractor for Pair class.
ParallelismProperty |
This property decides the number of parallel tasks to use for executing the corresponding IRVertex.
ParallelismProphet |
A prophet for Parallelism.
PartialCombineFn<InputT,AccumT> |
Wrapper class for Combine.CombineFn .
Partition<T,K> |
A collection of data elements.
Partitioner<K extends> |
This interface represents the way of partitioning output data from a source task.
PartitionerProperty |
Partitioner ExecutionProperty.
PartitionerProperty.Type |
Partitioning types.
PartitionMetadata<K extends> |
This class represents a metadata for a partition.
PartitionSetProperty |
This property decides which partitions the tasks of the destination IRVertex should fetch.
PartitionWordsByLength |
Partition words by length example.
Pass |
Abstract class for optimization passes.
PendingTaskCollectionPointer |
Points to a collection of pending tasks eligible for scheduling.
PerKeyMedian |
IP stat analysis example used in skew experiment.
PerPercentileAverage |
Per percentile statistics application.
PersistentConnectionToMasterMap |
Persistent connection for sending messages to master.
PhysicalPlan |
A job's physical plan, to be executed by the Runtime.
PhysicalPlanGenerationException |
PhysicalPlanGenerator |
A function that converts an IR DAG to physical DAG.
PipeContainer |
PipeInputReader |
Represents the input data transfer to a task.
PipelineVisitor |
Uses the translator and the context to build a Nemo IR DAG.
PipeManagerMaster |
Master-side pipe manager.
PipeManagerWorker |
Two threads use this class
- Network thread: Saves pipe connections created from destination tasks.
PipeOutputWriter |
Represents the output data transfer from a task.
PipeTransferForAllEdgesPass |
Annotate 'Pipe' on all edges.
PlanAppender |
An implementation of plan appender which append two plans regarding to caching.
PlanAppenderException |
An exception which represents exception during appending plans.
PlanRewriter |
PhysicalPlan rewriter.
PlanState |
Represents the states and their transitions of a physical plan.
PlanState.State |
PlanStateManager |
Maintains three levels of state machines (PlanState, StageState, and TaskState) of a physical plan.
Policy |
An interface for policies, each of which is composed of a list of static optimization passes.
PolicyBuilder |
A builder for policies.
PolicyImpl |
Implementation of the Policy interface.
Prophet<K,V> |
A prophet class for dynamic optimization.
PubSubEventHandlerWrapper |
Wrapper class with a pub/sub event handler.
PushBackDoFnTransform<InputT,OutputT> |
DoFn transform implementation with push backs for side inputs.
Readable<O> |
Interface for readable.
RelayVertex |
Relays input data from upstream vertex to downstream vertex promptly.
RemoteClientMessageLoggingHandler |
A simple logging handler that forwards messages to REEF client.
RemoteFileMetadata<K extends> |
This class represents a metadata for a remote file block.
RemoteFileStore |
Interface for remote block stores (e.g., GlusterFS, ...).
ReplyFutureMap<T> |
Orchestrate message sender and receiver using CompletableFuture for asynchronous request-reply communication.
Requires |
Annotation used to indicate which execution properties the class requires as prerequisites.
ReshapingPass |
A compile-time pass that reshapes the structure of the IR DAG.
ResourceAntiAffinityProperty |
Indices of tasks that must not concurrently run on the same executor.
ResourceLambdaProperty |
Resource property supporting Lambda Pass.
ResourceLambdaProperty.Value |
Possible values of DataStore ExecutionProperty.
ResourceLocalityPass |
ResourceLocalityProperty |
This property decides whether or not to schedule this vertex only on executors where
source (including intermediate) data reside.
ResourcePriorityProperty |
ExecutionPlacement ExecutionProperty.
ResourceSitePass |
Computes and assigns appropriate share of nodes to each irVertex to minimize shuffle time,
with respect to bandwidth restrictions of nodes.
ResourceSiteProperty |
Map between node name and the number of parallelism which will run on the node.
ResourceSlotPass |
ResourceSlotProperty |
This property decides whether or not to comply to slot restrictions when scheduling this vertex.
ResourceSpecification |
Represents the specifications of a resource.
RuntimeEdge<V extends Vertex> |
Represents the edge between vertices in a logical/physical plan in runtime.
RuntimeEvent |
An empty interface to indicate events that are sent from Runtime.
RuntimeEventHandler<T extends RuntimeEvent> |
Class for handling events sent from Runtime.
RuntimeIdManager |
ID Generator.
RuntimeMaster |
(WARNING) Use runtimeMasterThread for all public methods to avoid race conditions.
RunTimeMessageOutputCollector<O> |
OutputCollector for dynamic optimization data.
RuntimeOptimizationException |
RunTimePass<T> |
Abstract class for dynamic optimization passes, for dynamically optimizing the IRDAG.
RuntimeTestUtil |
Utility class for runtime unit tests.
SamplingLargeShuffleSkewPolicy |
A policy to demonstrate the large shuffle optimization, witch batches disk seek during data shuffle.
SamplingSkewReshapingPass |
Optimizes the PartitionSet property of shuffle edges to handle data skews using the SamplingVertex.
SamplingTaskSizingPass |
Compiler pass for dynamic task size optimization.
SamplingVertex |
Executes the original IRVertex using a subset of input data partitions.
ScheduleGroupProperty |
ScheduleGroup ExecutionProperty.
Scheduler |
Only two threads call scheduling code: RuntimeMaster thread (RMT), and SchedulerThread(ST).
SchedulingConstraint |
Functions to test schedulability with a pair of an executor and a task.
SchedulingConstraintRegistry |
SchedulingException |
SchedulingPolicy |
A function to select an executor from collection of available executors.
SerializedMemoryBlock<K extends> |
This class represents a block which is serialized and stored in local memory.
SerializedMemoryStore |
Serialize and store data in local memory.
SerializedPartition<K> |
A collection of data elements.
Serializer<E,D> |
SerializerManager |
ShuffleEdgePushPass |
A pass for tagging shuffle edges different from the default ones.
SideInputCoder<T> |
EncoderFactory for side inputs.
SideInputElement<T> |
SideInputTransform<T> |
Side input transform implementation.
SignalTransform |
This class evokes run-time pass when there's no need to transfer any run-time information.
SignalVertex |
Signal vertex holding signal transform.
SimpleSumSQL |
A simple SQL application.
SimulatedTaskExecutor |
Class for simulated task execution.
SimulationException |
SimulationScheduler |
Scheduler for simulating an execution not controlled by the runtime master.
SingleInputWatermarkManager |
This is a special implementation for single input data stream for optimization.
SkewAnnotatingPass |
For each shuffle edge, set the number of partitions to (dstParallelism * HASH_RANGE_MULTIPLIER).
SkewCompositePass |
Pass to modify the DAG for a job to perform data skew.
SkewProphet |
Prophet class for skew handling.
SkewReshapingPass |
Pass to reshape the IR DAG for skew handling.
SkewRunTimePass |
Dynamic optimization pass for handling data skew.
SourceVertex<O> |
IRVertex that reads data from an external source.
SparkBroadcastVariables |
Broadcast variables of Spark.
SparkKeyExtractor |
Extracts the key from a KV element.
Stage |
StageEdge |
Edge of a stage that connects an IRVertex of the source stage to an IRVertex of the destination stage.
StageMetric |
StageMetricServlet |
StagePartitioner |
A function that is responsible for stage partitioning on IR DAG.
StageState |
Represents the states and their transitions of a stage.
StageState.State |
StateMachine |
A finite state machine that can be created with user defined states and transitions.
StateMachine.Builder |
Builder that builds a StateMachine.
StateMetric<T extends> |
Interface for metric which contians its state.
StateTransitionEvent<T extends> |
Event of state transition.
StateTranslator |
A class provides the translation between the state of plan and corresponding ClientEndpoint .
StreamingPolicy |
Streaming policy.
StreamingScheduler |
A simple scheduler for streaming workloads.
StreamMetric |
Metrics associated with stream.
StreamTransform<T> |
A Transform relays input data from upstream vertex to downstream vertex promptly.
SubPartitionSetProperty |
This property decides the hash partition set of sampled and optimized tasks in Dynamic Task Sizing Policy.
Task |
A Task (attempt) is a self-contained executable that can be executed on a machine.
TaskExecutor |
Executes a task.
TaskMetric |
TaskMetricServlet |
TaskSizeSplitterVertex |
This vertex works as a partition-based sampling vertex of dynamic task sizing pass.
TaskState |
Represents the states and their transitions of a task.
TaskState.RecoverableTaskFailureCause |
Causes of a recoverable failure.
TaskState.State |
TaskStateManager |
Manages the states related to a task.
TestPlanGenerator |
Generates physical plans for testing purposes.
TestPlanGenerator.PlanType |
Type of the plan to generate.
TestPolicy |
A policy for tests.
TransferOutputStream |
Represents the output stream to which the sender sends its data during the data transfer.
Transform<I,O> |
Interface for specifying 'What' to do with data.
Transform.Context |
Context of the transform.
TransformContextImpl |
Transform Context Implementation.
TransientResourceCompositePass |
A series of passes to harness transient resources.
TransientResourceDataTransferPass |
Optimizes IREdges between transient resources and reserved resources.
TransientResourcePolicy |
A policy to perform optimization that uses transient resources in data centers.
TransientResourcePriorityPass |
Place valuable computations on reserved resources, and the rest on transient resources.
UnknownExecutionStateException |
UnknownFailureCauseException |
UnrecoverableFailureException |
UnsupportedBlockStoreException |
UnsupportedCommPatternException |
UnsupportedCompressionException |
Thrown when the compression method is not supported.
UnsupportedExecutionPropertyException |
UnsupportedMethodException |
UnsupportedMetricException |
UnsupportedPartitionerException |
UpfrontCloningPass |
Set the ClonedScheduling property of source vertices, in an upfront manner.
UserApplicationRunner |
Compiles and runs User application.
Util |
Class to hold the utility methods.
Vertex |
A vertex in DAG.
VertexExecutionProperty<T extends> |
Watermark |
Watermark event.
WatermarkWithIndex |
This contains a watermark and the src task index.
WebSocketMetricAdapter |
Adapter for WebSocket metric request and response.
WebSocketMetricServlet |
Servlet which handles WebSocket HTTP request.
WindowedBroadcast |
A Windowed WordCount application.
WindowedWordCount |
A Windowed WordCount application.
WindowFnTransform<T,W extends org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.windowing.BoundedWindow> |
Windowing transform implementation.
WordCount |
WordCount application.
WordCountTimeOut1Sec |
WordCount application, but with a timeout of 1 second.
WriteOneFilePerWindow |
This class is brought from beam/examples/common/
WriteOneFilePerWindow.PerWindowFiles |
A FileBasedSink.FilenamePolicy produces a base file name for a write based on metadata about the data
being written.
XGBoostPass |
Pass for applying XGBoost optimizations.
XGBoostPolicy |
A policy that enforces values retrieved by an optimization by XGBoost.